jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Here are two "twists" on TPCK

TPCK/ SAMR on Twister

Here are a couple of "twists" by Puentedura on SAMR model....

Case study 1.3-Cross curricular story writing

The case study about cross curricular story writing resulted very ineresting. It  described how a group of five and six year old children in Istanbul created a digital talking book that was published on line later on. It was an anual project that integrated English with other areas such as Arts and ICT. This project allowed students to work on common themes (colours, numbers, food, etc), to consolidate vocabulary, to develop their writing and speaking skills and most importantly, to share their creation with the world.

It could be said that, according to the SAMR model, this case falls into the Redefinition level since there's a transformation in the way the task was developed, taking into account technological tools. Students were able to do something that would have neen unthinkable wihout the use of technology.

As for TPCK model, the content was mainly related to the traditional areas of vocabulary that are taught to six-year-olds in most countries. The pedagogy aimed at promoting collaborative work. Moreover, the teacher provided a framework to help students to organize their ideas. Finally, as mentioned above, several areas were integrated to develop the project. The thecnological tools were also varied. They used a sound recorder, Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 and the iBook app for its publishing as an e-book.  Finally, it is important to highlight that this project was possible, to a great extent,  thanks to the institutional initiative and commitment to cross curricular tasks and the use of ICT

As a final reflection, I've found this project very motivating. Students were free to use their imagination and collaborate according to their interests and strengths. I think that becoming digital publishers at an early age was an invaluable and enriching experience that was worth the effort and the time invested.

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013


Hi everyone! I've just created a Diigo account. I'll be marking and sharing sites soon. Here goes the link
Lorena's Diigo Account

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

SAMR Model

I find the SAMR Model extremely interesting but equally challenging. We, as future teachers, need to be familiarized with the new technologies in order to offer our students a variety of tools so they can  profit from the learning experience as much as possible. At the same time, we have to be prepared and open  to become learners ourselves in connection with the digital world. In my opinion, one of the best aspects of this model is the step by step organization which allows a gradual integration of technology, thus reducing the levels of anxiety and frustration.
In my experience as a student, I've found Google Hangouts very useful work in group assignments,  which allows me to write documents in cooperation and have a videoconference with my classmates, so we can write and talk at the same time. I also have experience with Edmodo. It is very convenient to have all the material online in one place. Other tools such as Power Point or Glogster are very interesting for presentations and they can be shared or posted so other people can have acces later on.

The following link is great, not only for the informtion but also for the tool (Prezi). Notice there's a Youtube video embedded in the presentation. Have you ever worked with it?
SAMR Model and Examples by Jim Cash
(You have to click on "Copiar código al portapapeles" and then close X the second window)

Avatars in the classroom

I think avatars could be used as icebreakers for early lessons instead of the traditional introductions, particularly with teenage students who already know each other. Avatars can "borrow" some characteristics from the their creators but they allow students to display their creativity.
Another possibility could be to have an avatar contest. Students would have to vote for "the most original", "the creepiest", etc. Students may be asked to justify their vote, in that way they would have to make descriptions and comparisons.
It would also be interesting to ask students to create avatars for specific purposes, perhaps in connection with special dates such as national holidays, wearing typical costumes from different countries...the possibilities are endless! Which reminds me.....make sure you set a time limit!!!!

My first blog!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! Just for you to know, this is the first time in my whole life that I create a blog. So far it has not been that difficult and I think I'll end up enjoying it.
I think it is very important for us (and for our future students) to learn how to take advantage of new technologies. Let me tell you that the highest tech I've ever used in my practice lessons consisted in short videos downloaded from youtube which I had to pause so  students could predict the following scene. Haha! There's so much I have to learn.......!!!!!!
Here's my Avatar!